Life is sacred. All the things we do to support life are sacred practices. Yoga is a lifestyle practice aimed at restoring harmony at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Yoga is about building a relationship to ourselves at all of these levels, a journey from the outer world to the inner world.
Taking a class is like a ritual. We add intention to effort to move energy and create change.
Practicing yoga is much more than just excercising a physical body or feeling great or looking well, it's a sacred ritual that supports our whole being.
Yoga Philosophy considers 4 principal goals of life:
Artha; Prosperity
what are my basic needs? physical life food, safety, shelter.
Dharma; Purpose
what do I want to achieve with my life? mentally, emotionally and physically
Kama; Pleasure
what do I enjoy? emotional life, family, friends, leisure
Moksha; Liberation
Outer goals being obtained, it's time to create a fulfilling inner spiritual life.
These are achieved through 8 limbs of conduct & practice:
5 Abstinances for outer / social balance including respecting all beings right to life, living truthfully, enjoying what you have, letting what you have go, controlling urges
5 Observances for inner / personal balance including being content, respecting your body/mind/home/environment, not being wasteful, self study, surrender to the infinite
Physical posture for healthy body to experience life through
Breath control for managing the energetic and nervous system
Sensory Management controls what we ingest from the outside world that becomes the physical, mental & emotional body
Concentration methods to help us focus our efforts in the right places
Meditation or sustained concentration to help us keep the mind clear of clutter
A sense of oneness or unity with all people, creatures, places, timeframes, a constant sense of connectedness
These are applied through the 4 paths of yoga:
Mastery of the mind. Managing the mind's fluctuations to be able to participate in life in a functional way.
Higher knowledge. Curiosity, enquiry, study,of knowledge and the mind's higher functioning.
Selfless service. Acting for others for social & communal benefit.
Devotion. A committment to allowthe flow of grace to express in you.
Sacred Yoga uses all limbs to help you cultivate the right attitudes & efforts alligning with your personal path towards your goals. Namaste